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The PolymorphThe Polymorph

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Book Descriptions :

Arbitrator, Jim Brown is returning to Earth after completing a successful mission to put down a revolution on and also thwarting an invasion of the planet Pirrus, an Earth colony. While there he found out that he is part alien and this secret had been hidden from him since birth.Brown finds that an alien species has successfully assimilated themselves with the humans on Earth and is ruling over them covertly. When an attempt is made to kidnap him, he realises he has become a target in a hidden game where different groups are vying for power, complicated by the introduction of artificial humans and super androids to boost Earth?s population and armies.Some ruling factions are preparing for war against the planet Levita and re-conquest of a group of planets, former colonies in the Delta Quadrant, who have declared their independence from Earth.Brown realises that he is also running the gauntlet of former enemies who are out to get him. He is desperate to thwart the prospects of war .

Book Details :

Author : Max Nowaz

Pages : pages

Publisher : Troubador Ltd

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 101265124-the-polymorph

ISBN-13 : 9781803133966


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