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Book Descriptions :

Sundial is a new, twisty psychological horror novel from Catriona Ward, internationally bestselling author of The Last House on Needless Street.You can't escape what's in your blood...All Rob wanted was a normal life. She almost got it, too: a husband, two kids, a nice house in the suburbs. But Rob fears for her oldest daughter, Callie, who collects tiny bones and whispers to imaginary friends. Rob sees a darkness in Callie, one that reminds her too much of the family she left behind. She decides to take Callie back to her childhood home, to Sundial, deep in the Mojave Desert. And there she will have to make a terrible choice.Callie is worried about her mother. Rob has begun to look at her strangely, and speaks of past secrets. And Callie fears that only one of them will leave Sundial alive?The mother and daughter embark on a dark, desert journey to the past in the hopes of redeeming their future. .

Book Details :

Author : Catriona Ward

Pages : 292 pages

Publisher :

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 57693183-sundial

ISBN-13 : 9781250812681


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