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The PaleontologistThe Paleontologist

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Book Descriptions :

A haunted paleontologist returns to the museum where his sister was abducted years earlier and is faced with a terrifying and murderous spirit in this chilling novel from the author of A History of Fear?perfect for fans of Simone St. James and Katy Hays.Curator of paleontology Dr. Simon Nealy never expected to return to his Pennsylvania hometown, let alone the Hawthorne Museum of Natural History. He was just a boy when his six-year-old sister, Morgan, was abducted from the museum under his watch, and the guilt has haunted Simon ever since. After a recent break-up and the death of the aunt who raised him, Simon feels drawn back to the place where Morgan vanished, in search of the bones they never found.But from the moment he arrives, things aren?t what he expected. The Hawthorne is a crumbling ruin, still closed amid the ongoing pandemic, and plummeting toward financial catastrophe. Worse, Simon begins seeing and hearing things he can?t explain. Strange animal sounds. Bloody .

Book Details :

Author : Luke Dumas

Pages : 356 pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 101145257-the-paleontologist

ISBN-13 : 9781668018262


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