Now You Access Alexandra Petri's US History: Important American Documents (I Made Up)

Alexandra Petri's US History: Important American Documents (I Made Up)Alexandra Petri's US History: Important American Documents (I Made Up)

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Book Descriptions :

A witty, absurdist satire of the last 500 years, Alexandra Petri?s US History is the fake textbook you never knew you needed! As a columnist for the Washington Post , Alexandra Petri has watched in real time as those who didn?t learn from history have been forced to repeat it. And repeat it. And repeat it. If we repeat history one more time, we?re going to fail! Maybe it?s time for a new textbook. Alexandra Petri?s US History contains a lost (invented!) history of America. (A history for people disappointed that the only president whose weird sex letters we have is Warren G. Harding.) Petri?s "historical fan fiction" draws on real events and completely absurd fabrications to create a laugh-out-loud, irreverent takedown of our nation?s complicated past. On Petri?s deranged timeline, John and Abigail Adams try sexting, the March sisters from Little Women are sixty feet tall, and Susan Sontag goes to summer camp. Nearly eighty short, hilarious pieces span centuries of American history .

Book Details :

Author : Alexandra Petri

Pages : 326 pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 61089466-alexandra-petri-s-us-history

ISBN-13 : 9781324006435


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