Now You Access Storytelling with You: Plan, Create, and Deliver a Stellar Presentation

Storytelling with You: Plan, Create, and Deliver a Stellar PresentationStorytelling with You: Plan, Create, and Deliver a Stellar Presentation

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Book Descriptions :

Be heard. Change minds. Get people to act. (Inspire them to clap.)Whether presenting in a meeting, delivering a keynote on stage, or simply talking with your colleagues about your latest project, you play a critical role in how information is shared. You determine whether people engage, understand, and take action.In storytelling with you, best-selling author and world-renowned speaker Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic prepares you to develop your story and deliver it with prowess. She unlocks the secrets that have propelled her from self-described introvert to sought-after presenter, distilling lessons learned into this immensely powerful and practical guide.The journey starts by building the foundation for effective communication: gaining an understanding of your audience and message. You'll then learn to transform your ideas into compelling stories and illustrative content. Once the materials are set, you'll turn your attention inward and explore strategies to hone your delivery and .

Book Details :

Author : Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

Pages : 384 pages

Publisher :

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 1394160305

ISBN-13 : 9781394160303


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