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Lest She ForgetLest She Forget

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Book Descriptions :

HAUNTED BY A FORGOTTEN PAST. HUNTED BY A RUTHLESS KILLER. NO ONE TO SAVE HER BUT HERSELF.After surviving a car crash, a young woman wakes from a coma with amnesia, a battered face, and no identity. Horrific flashbacks and nightmares convince her psychiatrist that a repressed tragedy is the source of her memory loss. Her efforts to track down clues to her identity reveal a suspicious stalker following her every inquiry, hot on her trail for some dark reason. Her best defense against a forgotten killer is terrifyingly locked inside her head.With more violence hitting the newspaper headlines, Kay races to stop the bloodshed, but everyone has deadly secrets to hide?even her?forcing her to choose between living a horrific lie or defending the truth with her life. .

Book Details :

Author : Lisa Malice

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 122757697-lest-she-forget

ISBN-13 : 9780744307153


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