Now You Access Reaper of Chaos (Blood of Saviors #1, Reign of Goddesses #4)

Reaper of Chaos (Blood of Saviors #1, Reign of Goddesses #4)Reaper of Chaos (Blood of Saviors #1, Reign of Goddesses #4)

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Book Descriptions :

*This is a spin off from the Reign of Goddesses series. Events from the Reign of Goddesses series are referenced in this book, so it is recommended to start there to best enjoy Reaper of Chaos.*She loves death.He is Death.Thanatos took a fifty-year vacation from his duties as Death, psychopomp of the Underworld. Returning to Halcyon, he meets Lira, a professor of Thanatology with the ability to see souls . . . and him.Intrigued, he finds himself obsessed with learning about the woman who studies, and sees, death. As he finds himself growing closer to the woman who has him fascinated for the first time in centuries, a devastating problem arises in both the mortal world and the Underworld.People are no longer dying.Thanatos and Lira now have a choice to make: each other or death itself. .

Book Details :

Author : C.D. Britt

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 123355716-reaper-of-chaos

ISBN-13 : 9781737265276


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