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Lost in TimeLost in Time

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Book Descriptions :

When his daughter is falsely accused of murder, a scientist must travel 200 million years into the past to save her. But there are secrets waiting there. And more than her life is at stake. From the worldwide bestselling author of Departure and Winter World comes a standalone novel with a twist you?ll never see coming.Control the Past.Save the Future.One morning, Dr. Sam Anderson wakes up to discover that the woman he loves has been murdered.For Sam, the horror is only beginning. He and his daughter are accused of the crime.The evidence is ironclad. They will be convicted. And so, Sam does what he must: he confesses to the crime.But in the future, murderers aren?t sent to prison.They?re sent to the past.Two hundred million years into the past?to the age of the dinosaurs?to live out their lives alone, in exile from the human race.Sam accepts his fate.But his daughter doesn?t.Adeline Anderson has already lost her mother to a deadly and unfair disease. She can?t bear to lose her .

Book Details :

Author : A.G. Riddle

Pages : 455 pages

Publisher : Head of Zeus

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 60522318-lost-in-time

ISBN-13 : 9781804541753


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