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Spy School Goes NorthSpy School Goes North

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Book Descriptions :

In the eleventh book in the New York Times bestselling Spy School series, Ben Ripley goes on a rescue mission when one of his own is abducted from a remote Alaskan training facility.Ben Ripley and his friends are training in Alaska when Cyrus Hale is kidnapped by his old Russian nemesis. Ben, Erica, and the others mount a rescue mission, but events quickly spiral out of control in a plot involving the secret history of US-Russian relations, a young KGB agent with skills to rival Erica?s?and lots and lots of bears. .

Book Details :

Author : Stuart Gibbs

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 101140541-spy-school-goes-north

ISBN-13 : 9781665934749


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